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Residential Heating

>Residential Heating
Residential Heating 2019-03-11T16:07:41-06:00

Residential heating repair and maintenance

An old furnace will eventually act up. Like everything else, that trusty mechanism that has kept you warm night after night might eventually want to move on. It might want better things. So what are the signs that your furnace is growing weary of your relationship? Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs:

  • It’s gotten older. The rule of thumb is that a heater has about a fifteen-year shelf life. This, of course, depends on several factors like maintenance, wear and tear, usage, weather, and so on.
  • It’s making you spend a lot of money. You may have noticed that in recent months your energy bill keeps rising and rising. No matter what you do to save cash, your furnace seems to be aiming for your wallet.
  • It continues to rebel despite your attempts to fix it. If you have had to call a tech to your home more than once in recent months for a repair and another malfunction occurs, you might be seeing the death rattle.
  • It’s loud and makes funny noises. An old furnace will start making strange noises as things start to rebel from years of wear and tear.

Letting go is never easy. You’ve likely grown attached to this soft sweet machine that has warmed your heart when the world seemed oh so cold. You’ve been through so much together, but sometimes it’s time to let go. Mechanical Technologies is here to make that transition better and easier. A cold house is no place to come home to after a day at work. A broken heater or poorly functioning heating system is bad news for you and your family.

Mechanical Technologies offers residential heating services for any and all type of systems.

Installations: We Provide All Types of Heating System Installs

Having a new heater or HVAC system installed is not something that happens every day. For the most part, you won’t have to install a new heater system except every decade or so. If you’ve just purchased a new home, however, you might be installing a new heater, or maybe yours has run its course, or you’re looking to upgrade to something far more energy efficient and modern. A contemporary heater is up to 80% more efficient than older models that have been around more than ten years. Mechanical Technologies can perform furnace installations and heater replacement in both residential and commercial spaces.

There is more to your heating system than just the furnace and Mech Tech will make sure that every working component is inspected and good to go. For example, your ducts are also part of the overall heating system. We can also improve your duct system and make any repair that will make disbursing the hot air better throughout your home.

Repairs: Diagnosing and Repairing Malfunctions

Just like everything in your home, a heating system can break down or malfunction for a number of reasons. Depending on the kind of system you have, how old it is, and how often it has undergone maintenance, you can be looking at a variety of problems. If you’re having issues with your heating system, call one of our expert techs. Some common signs that you might be having a problem include:

  • Dirty filters
  • Electric ignition problems
  • Pilot light problems
  • Broken thermostat
  • No heat

Maintenance: Ensuring the Longevity of Your System

Mechanical Technologies believes that a consistent and thorough maintenance schedule can keep your system running better longer. Not only that, it will save you on energy bills and save you out of pocket and unexpected expenses when having to call a technician in the middle of the night. We offer regular maintenance for all types of brands and types of heating systems. Whether you need to change the filter, keep the ignition or pilot in check, or ensure that it is running safely and efficiently, we can offer regular maintenance.

Why Choose Mechanical Technologies?

We are the HVAC experts in the El Paso area. Our technicians have experience working with every kind of furnace and HVAC system. When you call Mech Tech, you are calling a trusted professional that understands your system, knows how to fix it, and wants to help you move on with your life.

Stay Warm & Be Happy, Call Mechanical Technologies

El Paso winters might not bring in huge swaths of snow or ice, but it they can certainly cool down to very low temperatures. Don’t let the cold outside ruin your time indoors. Get residential heating services with Mech Tech and you’ll never have an HVAC nightmare again.