Convert Your Home To Refrigerated Air

Is an Air Conditioning Conversion Worth the Cost?

>, El Paso>Is an Air Conditioning Conversion Worth the Cost?

Is an Air Conditioning Conversion Worth the Cost?

When El Paso homeowners are considering air conditioning conversions cost is one of the biggest deciding factors. When weighing the pros and cons of switching to refrigerated air, cost is one of the few cons. It is true, a new refrigerated air conditioner can cost up to three times that of a swamp cooler. However, most homeowners that have made the switch will rave about their satisfaction level. A refrigerated AC truly is an upgrade to the swamp cooler. If you are considering a conversion be sure to check out this list of facts.

Refrigerated Air is More Efficient and Effective

To understand why refrigerated air conditioning is more effective it is important to understand how a swamp cooler, also known as evaporative coolers, works. Air is pulled in from outside. Before it is blown into the home it passes through wet AC pads. A rudimentary pump creates a constant flow of water through the pads.

When it comes to cooling your home, a refrigerated unit will do a much better job. This is true no matter what the weather outside might look like. When you are dealing with a swamp cooler on a humid day you simply have to do without air conditioning. The wet pads simply don’t cool down the air enough on humid days. Evaporative coolers also require homeowners to leave doors and windows open for optimal functioning. This is because these air coolers pull outside air into the home. This can also be bad for people who suffer from allergies. On the flip side, an air conditioning conversion to refrigerated air can help with allergies. Outside air is not pulled into the home which creates better air quality in the home.

Air Conditioning Conversions

Often times another reason homeowners turn down air conditioning conversions is misinformation. Some are led to believe that switching to refrigerated air is a major remodel. This is just not true in most cases. In most homes, the current ductwork can still be used for the new air conditioner. Switching to a unit on the side of the house instead of the roof is not as intensive as some may think. There are cases where homes are in older neighborhoods that require a bit more work. When this is the case the technician is able to advise the homeowner on the best plan of action.

Contact Us Today

If you are considering an air conditioning conversion for your El Paso home be sure to contact us today. We offer excellent service. Call us today so one of our experts can set you up with an appointment for an estimate.

By | 2018-03-12T01:01:32-06:00 March 12th, 2018|air conditioning conversion, El Paso|0 Comments

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