There’s nothing like the bond we share with our pet(s). They provide us with so much joy and ask for little in return but perhaps a few extra treats and endless belly rubs. Having a pet indoors, however, can affect your HVAC system as well as their own safety. Since keeping the two
Filters May Need to Be Changed Sooner
One of the leading causes of allergies is pet dander. With a pet indoors, you’ll need to pay close attention to your filters. The air quality in your home can easily worsen your allergies if your filters are dirty. You might also find that your filters get dirtier sooner, which means changing them out more periodically. As a rule of thumb, plan on changing your filters at least once a month.
To help improve your air quality, you should also bathe and brush your hairy friend often. If they have long hair, plan on brushing them more often. The more lingering hair you can eliminate, the better. In addition to brushing and bathing, it’s a good idea to dust and vacuum regularly. All of this will help improve your air.
Keep Wires Out of Sight
Wires can easily be mistaken for a toy. In the eyes of a cat, any movement from the wires could be a sign for them to attack. If your dog is still a puppy, you can expect that the little curious guy or gal will certainly see it as an item to chew on. The best way to protect your pet and your unit is to enclose the wires and/or use a hard metal conduit.
Make Sure The Unit Isn’t Within Reach
This might seem like an obvious piece of advice but as with any warning, it comes from a sincere place of caution. If your furry friend is allowed to roam outside, make sure he or she isn’t able to come into contact with your HVAC unit. Animals are naturally inquisitive so it’s not unusual that if they have the chance, they will paw or claw at the unit. Not only will this potentially harm your unit but your pet could be severely injured as well!
If your unit is located in an area where they could potentially get their paw on it, consider placing a barrier that prevents them from entering. An HVAC technician will be able to offer advice as what will work best so that it’s still accessible but also out of your pet’s reach.
Contact Mechanical Technologies For Professional Service
When it comes to maintenance on your HVAC system, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. We can help you sort through any issues you may be experiencing as well as offer lasting repairs. Give us a call today to schedule an inspection!