Convert Your Home To Refrigerated Air

Residential Air Conditioning

>Residential Air Conditioning
Residential Air Conditioning 2019-03-11T15:58:22-06:00

Residential Air Conditioning Experts

AC Installations

AC installation is a complex job that should be left to the professionals. The process will vary depending on the system you’re having installed, your previous system, ductwork, and the infrastructure needed.

If you’re looking to install a new system, give us a call. We’ll come down and give you an estimate based on your needs and your desired system. Plus, we’ll walk you through the installation so you can feel confident in our approach and have any questions you may have answered.

Evaporative Cooling Systems

Depending on your home and your existing infrastructure, the installation process can vary. Typically, evaporative cooling systems have an outside and inside component.

Refrigerated Air Systems

Installing a new refrigerated air system has a very specific process, but it varies greatly from client to client and their prospective plans.

AC Repairs

There is any number of things that can go wrong with your air conditioning system. Whether you have an evaporative cooling system or a refrigerated air system, maintenance and service are required to avoid malfunctions. And yet, even with regular maintenance, there is always a chance of something going wrong. Of course, the worst time to experience any AC issue is the middle of summer. Be prepared by knowing the right technician to call.

It’s not difficult to tell when something’s wrong. Generally, your AC unit will not function properly, you’ll feel warm air coming through the vents, you may notice a strange noise, or even an odd smell will surface. That’s where we come in! If you are experiencing problems with your cooling system, give us a call. The culprit might be a dirty filter, a broken thermostat, problems with the compressor, or maybe even something a bit more complex.

Maintenance and Upkeep

The best way to avoid malfunctions is to schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system. Regardless of whether you have a swamp cooler or refrigerated air, maintenance is key. The recommended maintenance schedule can be found in our maintenance contracts. They are as follows:

Evaporative cooling system: Have at least two inspections a year by a certified and experienced HVAC technicians. It is important to check your system before the start of a new season. Once in the summer and once in the winter. These inspections will also test all components, filters, and more.

Refrigeration system: Similarly, your refrigerated system should have at least three visits in one year by a certified refrigerated system tech. One visits will prepare your system for the summer, the other will prepare it for the winter, and the third is for regular maintenance to clean coils, change filters, and ensure every component is in top shape and functioning properly.

Converting to Refrigerated Air

Many people believe that because El Paso climate is mostly dry there is no need to install a refrigerated air system. The benefits of a refrigerated air system, however, are evident in energy bills, efficiency, convenience, longevity, and dependability. Older swamp coolers will always be subject to malfunction and, in a lot of ways, dependent on the weather outside, humidity levels, winds, dust, etc. Refrigerated air conversion is not as difficult as people often assume. It doesn’t always require a complete overhaul of the existing duct system.

So what does a conversion to a refrigerated system consist of? Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • An inspection of your existing infrastructure and duct system are required.
  • Most duct systems are perfectly suitable for refrigerated air conversion.
  • Installation by an HVAC professional is a must.
  • Refrigerated air installation means a full replacement of your old system.
  • A refrigerated system is far more convenient to maintain due to its location and placement.

For more information visit our Residential AC installation page.

Keep It Cool With HVAC Pros

Mechanical Technologies employs only the best and most experienced technicians to help you with your AC repairs, installations, conversions, and maintenance. Give us a call at 915-544-1550.