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Switching to a Tankless Water Heater

>, Water Heater Replacement>Switching to a Tankless Water Heater

Switching to a Tankless Water Heater

Close-up of man hands setting the temperature of water in Electric BoilerWhether its washing dishes or taking a long, hot bath, hot water is a necessity in our everyday lives. How water is heated, though, might not cross a homeowner’s mind until the time comes to replace their traditional water heater. That is when homeowners should definitely consider a water heater replacement.

Traditional Versus Tankless Water Heater Replacement

A traditional water heater is a tank heated by propane gas meant to serve a single space, be it a home or a business complex, and refilled and heated whenever the tank runs low. Such heaters are tucked away into a closet no one goes into, humming only when the time comes to heat water again. Now, here’s where people go wrong with their water heater: water is not hot immediately, and so homeowners lose money standing with their hands under the faucet until their desired temperature turns.

That can all change with a tankless water heater replacement. Using copper coils, water can be heated instantly and remain hot for the duration of your wet activity, and can be placed at multiple points of use, such as the kitchen, and all bathrooms. Instead of waiting and watching money literally slosh down the drain, users of tankless water heater replacements save money by getting their hot water faster without the wait.

Call in the Experts for Installation

Alright, do-it-yourselfers, put the tools down! This is an installation best left to the experts. Tankless water heater replacements deal with two dangerous ingredients: water and electricity or gas. Do any of them wrong, and the results can be shocking. Pun, intended. Seriously, do not try this at home. Installation requires copper, a material that can be sneakily expensive by itself, but experts coat the copper in acid resistant lining so that water can travel through it to the heat exchanger, allowing it to withstand temperatures of up to one thousand degrees. That being said, tankless water heaters are not the cheapest installations on the market, but the returns make the initial pain in the pocket worth it.

Contact Us Today

Mechanical Technologies has been providing El Paso and the surrounding area with quality heating and cooling services since 1987. During that time, they have become one of the top choices in heating and cooling for El Paso home and business owners. Mechanical Technologies is committed to providing the highest quality and dependable installations, maintenance, and repair services in the industry.

Many homeowners in El Paso are switching to tankless water heaters. The new technology offers a wealth of benefits. However, many plumbers and HVAC services will not install or work on these new water heaters. The certified technicians at Mechanical Technologies are experts when it comes to installation and repair. We offer quality service because we know the many benefits these water heaters offer to homeowners. So contact us today!  Save money on your next bath today!

By | 2018-07-09T23:44:56-06:00 July 9th, 2018|El Paso, Water Heater Replacement|0 Comments

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