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Why Don’t Swamp Coolers Work in Humid Weather?

>, Swamp Cooler>Why Don’t Swamp Coolers Work in Humid Weather?

Why Don’t Swamp Coolers Work in Humid Weather?

Condensation on a window due to the non efficient swamp cooler cooling in humid weatherLiving in a hot climate like El Paso means always trying to beat the heat. The main way most people do this is through their air conditioning. Swamp coolers tend to still be the most popular form of air conditioning, but what do you do when it doesn’t work? For help staying cool in El Paso, Mechanical Technologies is the company to turn too.

The System

Swamp coolers work by taking air from outside, which is funneled from a blower though wet pads. This process cools the water taken from the air by running it through the pads. These pads are meant to be cooler by virtue of having more water in them then the air around them. When the water in the air matches the water in the pads, then no cooling can take place.

In other words, these machines rely on water in the air. If there is too much, like there is in humid weather, then cooling is less or nonexistent. Even for areas with normally low humidity, this can still be a problem. After all, humidity jumps up after a rainstorm no matter where you live.

Cooling Ability

First and foremost, a swamp cooler has a hard time cooling when there is too much water in the atmosphere to evaporate. This will result in the inside air to be roughly the same temp as the outside air. When you have lower humidity, a swamp cooler may help lower temperatures in your home by twenty to thirty degrees. But when the humidity is high, you will be lucky to have a ten-degree difference. This can make these machines a tad unreliable for rainy season heat.

Make A Change

Understanding how swamp coolers work, it is easy to see why they were so popular for hot yet damp climates. But with weather changing in El Paso, it is getting very hard to live with these coolers. Updating your cooler is a good way to ensure that you do not have to worry about the weather outside affecting the weather inside. As for beating the heat, if you get an update during the fall or winter, then you do not have to worry about the heat during the summer.

Contact Us Today

When it comes to your swamp cooler, Mechanical Technologies can help. Whether you need some maintenance or you want to update your system, we can do it. Call us today for a quote.

By | 2018-08-08T20:11:26-06:00 August 8th, 2018|El Paso, Swamp Cooler|0 Comments

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